
Global Awareness-raising Campaign on Laundry detergent capsules/packets

The OECD Global Awareness-raising Campaign on Laundry Detergent Capsules (16 to 23 March 2015) aims to inform of the risks posed by a product that is present in growing number of households worldwide: laundry detergent capsules (or packets). These products can be attractive to children and can pose serious dangers if not handled and stored safely.

Over 16 000 people, mostly children, are exposed to the chemicals in laundry capsules on a yearly basis globally. Tactile and colourful, kids often mistake these capsules for sweets. The consequences of exposure may include eye, skin or ingestion problems. Check our tips on safe storage and use, or what to do in case of exposure.…/consumer-marketi…/events/150316_en.htm

Bilateral meeting aiming to strengthen Serbian-Hungarian partnership

Strengthening professional cooperation with neighbouring countries is a pivotal endeavour of the Ministry of National Development and the Hungarian Authority for Consumer Protection. In terms of these international relations, the ministry and the authority are determined to form and maintain cooperation which is practice-oriented and based on mutual dialogue.

The other essential aspect of developing international partnerships is to provide experiences Hungary had gained under EU membership to countries in the path of accession – especially to partners from the Western Balkans. These efforts predominated jointly at the professional consultation in Bosnia-Herzegovina in November 2014 and do so concerning developing consumer protection relations between Serbia and Hungary.  >>>

Professional workshop in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Deputy State Secretariat for Consumer Protection of the Ministry of National Development in conjunction with the Hungarian Authority for Consumer Protection (HACP) is wishing to put great emphasis on the elaboration and deepening of professional cooperation with partner organizations of neighboring countries and of the region.

Commission improves safety of cosmetics

Today the Commission further strengthened the protection of consumers, in particular babies and young children. It adopted two measures restricting the use of three preservatives in cosmetic products.

"We have shown once again that the safety of consumers is paramount in every decision we take. Preservatives in cosmetics serve a valuable function ensuring that the products we use on a daily basis are free from pathogens. We need however to ensure that the preservatives guarantee the maximum degree of protection. With these measures consumers can be reassured that their cosmetics are safe," said the European Commissioner for Consumer Policy, Neven Mimica.

In-app purchases: Joint action by the European Commission and Member States is leading to better protection for consumers in online games

Following a large number of complaints in EU countries concerning in-app purchases in online games and in particular inadvertent purchases by children, national authorities joined forces with the European Commission to find solutions.